Who was Tulsi Sahib from Hathras?
- 13 jan, 2020
- 35
All the saints, sages, and prophets of the world affirm that"the Kingdom of God is within us," and that one is not to wander outside to achieve salvation. The Lord dwells in this "temple of nine gates" (our body). One only needs a teacher or guide who knows the secret of the path to enter this palace, one who can lead us to the presence of the Lord - our loving Father. This is possible only in human life. No sub-human species has this capacity or privilege. A teacher of the science of spirituality is as much needed as is a teacher of any other science or art. This unknown path is so curved, complex, and labyrinthine that one cannot tread it without the help of a guide - an enlightened soul. This guide must be a living Master, who can take us to the highest region, beyond death and dissolution, whence there is no coming back. Such Masters are always present in the world. The Masters who died long ago, or their writings, can be of little help to us. The method of God-realisation taught by all the saints, to whichever country or religion they have belonged, has always been the same and will ever be the same. It is not designed by man, that it may need alteration, addition, or modification.
It is the Lord's own design and is as old as the creation itself.It consists of three parts:
First is simran, or the repetition of Lord's holy names. It brings back our scattered attention to the tisra til - the third eye (behind our eyes), which is the headquarters of our mind and soul, in the waking state, whence it has scattered.
Second is dhyan, or contemplation on the immortal form of the Master. This helps in keeping the attention fixed at that centre.
Third is bhajan, or listening to the Anahad Shabd or celestial music that is constantly reverberating within us. With the help of this divine melody, the soul ascends to higher regions and ultimately reaches the feet of the Lord.
This, in a nutshell, is the gist of the spiritual practices which the saints of all ages and countries have been teaching to their disciples for the purpose of God-realisation. Blessed are those who come across a perfect Master, who takes them back to their original home.
Now we are going to talk about a saint, who was the meditator of Surat-Shabad Yoga.We are going to talk about Huzur Baba Sawan Singh Ji( Devotee of Huzur Baba Jaimal Singh Ji).
The Great Master, Huzur Maharaj Baba Sawan Singh Ji, has been one of the greatest exponents of these teachings that the world has ever produced. Born in 1858 in a highly respectable Sikh family of Punjab, he showed signs of great spiritual understanding from early childhood. As a boy he could repeat by heart the "Japji Sahib" of Guru Nanak and "Jap Sahib" of Guru Gobind Singh. His great spiritual hunger and thirst for knowledge of truth and reality brought him in contact with Baba Jaimal Singh Ji in 1894, who at the time of initiating him remarked that he had been holding something for him in trust from the Lord, which he had discharged that day. In 1911, Huzur Maharaj Sawan Singh Ji retired prematurely on pension from the Military Engineering Service, to attend to his real task for which he was commissioned by the Lord. He preached and taught the practice of Surat Shabd Yoga at the Radha Soami Colony, Beas, Punjab, which he named Dera Baba Jaimal Singh, after the name of his Master. Millions flocked to hear his spiritual discourses. He initiated more than 125,000 souls into this mystic path, the largest number in the history of the world ever to be initiated by any saint, sage, or prophet (until that time). He spread the light of Sant Mat, not only in every nook and corner of India, but also carried its torch to the distant lands of Europe, America, Canada, and South Africa. The spiritual practices taught by him for God-realisation are the same as those taught by Christ, Kabir, Nanak, Paltu, Dadu, Jagjiwan, Tulsi, Maulana Rum, Shamas-i-Tabriz, Hafiz, Mujadid Alf Sani, and other saints of the world. These practices are described by Hindu mystics as Anahad Marg, by the Muslim mystics as Sultan-ul-Azkar and in the Bible as the Word or the Logos. The followers of the Great Master included people of all religions, countries, and nationalities. When he started his work, the light of Sant Mat was slowly fading out. People under the influence of priestly classes had taken to rites and rituals and had forgotten the teachings of the saints. Nobody knew what Surat Shabd Yoga was. Now, by his grace, large satsang centres have been established, not only in the length and breadth of India, but throughout Europe, America, Canada, South Africa, and other countries. pages His famous book, Gurmat Sidhant (Philosophy of the Masters), consisting of two large volumes of 1,000 and his Discourses on Sant Mat, in two volumes, have been seach, translated into English and many other languages. He left the mortal coil in 1948, after duly appointing Sardar Bahadur Jagat Singh Ji, retired Vice Principal of Lyallpur Agricultural College, as his successor, to carry on his mission of pointing the way to the abode of bliss.
Afsana Mimi
Is Radha Soami Satsang Beas is path of Surat Shabad Yoga?
replayVirender Jhajhria
Yes, the path of Dera Beas is based on Naam , Shabad Dhun and Surat Shabad Yoga.
replaySuriya Molharta
Do follow the radha soami beas for best spiritual experience.